This month, we celebrated the birthday of one of our students as he turns five years old!
We started strong with “hot potato”, passing the ball around and asking fun questions to each other. The kids had great fun, and even the little lids joined in playing with and moving the ball around. So nice!
To get some exercise after sitting down, we played “Rainbow time”, where different colored letters were handed to the kids and the two color chosen by the person in the middle had to stand up and quickly change seat before they were all gone…. except for when “Rainbow time!” was shouted as all the colors had to mingle and swap chairs. It was a lovely scramble indeed.
Other games included “Symons says” to practice our listening skills while playing a game of attention and comprehension, as well as the more active and carefree “limbo’ where the small kids jumped in eager to join the fun.
We concluded the party with the “Four corners- Cake version”, sang Happy Birthday and delivered the present to the lucky boy, perfect closure for such an happy time.