
New Year Party 2025

This Friday we had the New Year party at our school.
The kids were excited to start making their very personal snake wish craft, as this year will be the Year of the Snake!

We cut and decorated the snake’s body and head, and then it was time to write our wishes, which the K classes accomplished beautifully, by writing them by hand!

Once the snakes were ready we also made party popper cups, filled with colorful papers which we then shot high in the air after the group countdown! They flew beautifully, and the kids were nothing short of delighted with them.

Lastly, we couldn’t forget to toast to the new year right? So we poured juices, water, and tea for everyone and sang our cheers while snacking on some yummy cookies. 


We concluded the event with story time, learning about new beginnings and the importance of having fun and finding friends along the journey!

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