This Friday, even if a bit in advance, we celebrated Setsubun at our school, chasing the bad ogres out, and calling all the good luck in.
We made colorful hats, reminiscing of the ogres, looking way cuter, and a huge mountain of beans out of colorful paper, to chase the real ogres away!
All classes worked relentlessly to complete the preparations, and then it was time for action!
We found ogres everywhere! It was so scary! Some hanging from the ceiling, some hiding in the corners. Lucky for us teachers, the kids were ready to spring into action and save us all.
Even the little ones were keen to participate in the chase, and they scored some good hits on the Ogres with some assistance!
By the time we finished, the ground was covered in colorful beans and heaps of good luck was welcomed into the school.
Happy Setsubun!